The Life of Muhammad ﷺ (Makkan Period)


What will be taught on the course?

The Life of Muhammad ﷺ course has 2 modules: Part 1 is about the Prophet’s ﷺ life in Makkah, Part 2 is about the Prophet’s ﷺ life in Madinah. Both modules will cover the amazing life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, from his blessed birth right through to his passing.

In this module (Part 1): The Life of Muhammad ﷺ Makkan Period, you will learn about life in Arabia before the time of the Prophet ﷺ, the Prophet’s ﷺ early life, the Divine call to Prophethood, the opposition and rejection he faced during his life in Makkah.

Students need to sign up separately if they wish to study the second module (Part 2): The Life of Muhammad ﷺ Madinan Period.


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